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9 Tips to help you with today's most underrated social media platform - LinkedIn! - MediaTactix

When we talk about marketing, what are the top social media platforms that come to mind? Most people will say Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. We say LinkedIn! Most marketers ignore it despite it having 500 million members. On top of that, 41 percent of users log in daily. We’re providing you with our top 9 LinkedIn tips!

Source: Content Marketing Institute and MarketingProfs

Source: Content Marketing Institute and MarketingProfs

According to Inside View, a SaaS company that gathers 40,000 sources of business information, LinkedIn generates more leads for B2B companies than Twitter, blogging, or any other lead generating platform. According to LinkedIn’s research, 51 percent of companies have acquired B2C customers through LinkedIn. 

We believe LinkedIn is the ultimate connector. LinkedIn has proven to be the most efficient networking tool today. During our practice, we were surprised dozens of times with how responsive professionals are on LinkedIn.

By narrowing the filters through location, connections level, and current companies, you can easily find a group of people who you would like to connect with. In 2020, marketers should embrace LinkedIn into their toolbox.

We’re sharing with you our hottest LinkedIn tips!

To succeed on LinkedIn, you need to develop an agile process. LinkedIn is a major social network with the ability to connect to almost everyone. As a result, you need to cast a wide enough net. On average, 100 relevant requests for connections will yield about 20 percent success. For B2B, where each lead could generate significant revenues, that may be enough. But for B2C, the same effort may vary wildly from 0.2 percent to 2 percent results (not unlike that of Facebook). During a campaign, determine your KPIs and measure accordingly. For example, if your KPI is awareness, measure followers. If your KPI is engagement, measure messages exchanged. If it is leads, measure conversations that lead off the platform into calls/meetings. Consider all these aspects to adjust your strategies and use LinkedIn’s maximum potential.

LinkedIn is a social network that should be perceived as such. Which messages do you send on social media? Are they 2000-characters-long? Do your messages have a clear introduction and signature? Or are your messages short, quick, and straight-to-the-point? Your messages should be as personalized as possible. Messages should be no longer than three sentences. Most importantly, your messages should initiate dialogue. It is not about saying how great your company is with numerous texts. It is about building relationships and being an interesting person to talk to.

Automation seems to be LinkedIn’s #1 enemy. However, it takes a little time for it to be detected. That is why automation will accelerate your growth in the short term. On the other hand, all of your efforts in growing a precise, targeted network of professionals will be wasted because automation leads to suspensions and profile bans. We recommend staying away from automation and growing organically with your personal touch.

According to our experience, working with impactful influencers and decision-maker profiles makes your networking efforts much more effective. People are more likely to accept requests and start a dialogue with experienced professionals. If you know senior professionals, we recommend connecting with them to help grow your network.

LinkedIn lead generation shows some results during the first few weeks of a campaign. However, these results are too insignificant to be noticed. Tangible results will be delivered in the second or even third month of a constantly improving campaign. If you evaluate your campaign too early, you may make decisions based on limited, uninformed data. Evaluate your campaign at the appropriate time.

Grow your LinkedIn by using the tool “Invite Connections”. Remind members you are there and the value of connecting. If you don’t reach out, you can’t grow your network. Remember to personalize your message to the recipient to increase the chance they accept your invitation.

If you have not done so already, focus on improving your personal brand. Similar to senior specialists, professionals with well-developed personal brands have much higher chances of attracting the attention of C-level executives. People with strong personal brands also generate more qualified leads and more sales. We recommend first spending time to determine what your personal brand is. What do you what to be known for? After you have determined what your personal brand is, then you need to communicate it creatively, consistently and organically online.

It does not matter how successful your lead generation is if you do not have an effective sales team to close the leads. We have seen dozens of campaigns that wasted hot leads because of their inability to pick them up properly. Before starting a campaign, make sure that you have the capacity for the most optimistic scenario. We recommend detailing your sales process from start to finish to ensure you can capitalize on leads generated.

The most common mistake people make with their LinkedIn network is stopping. Users will spend hours creating or enhancing their profile one day and then not log in again for a week. Other users will post content one day, and then wait until the next month to post again. We have also seen some users send out thousands of requests for connections, and then not respond to people when they reach out because they forget about it. Once you start, determine the right balance of time where you can be consistent to maximize your efforts. Whatever you do, don’t stop. You need to find a way to keep growing, posting and connecting on LinkedIn.

MediaTactix is a full-service digital media company. If you are interested in creative ways to grow your brand, reach out to us at